Philanthropy is essential to the mission of the Walpole Scholarship Foundation. All scholarships rely on the generous support of donors and the Foundation welcomes tax-deductible gifts of any size in the form of cash, appreciated assets or bequests. A non-cash gift, or gift via your estate, can bring meaningful financial and tax benefits to you and the Walpole Scholarship Foundation. Please consult your financial advisor as the Walpole Scholarship Foundation cannot provide tax or legal advice.
As a tax exempt, non-profit organization, individual contributions made to the Walpole Scholarship Foundation may be eligible for a matching gift through your employer. The Walpole Scholarship foundation is a tax-exempt organization under the Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3).
Policy Statement
a. A gift will not be accepted if, in the judgment of the Foundation, the Gift is too restrictive in purpose or does not align with the Foundation’s mission.
b. A gift will not be accepted if, in the judgment of the Foundation, accepting a gift from the donor could inflict damage on the Foundation’s reputation or integrity. Similarly, the acceptance of a Gift does not imply nor mean that the Foundation endorses or approves of the donor’s views, opinions, businesses, or activities.
c. A gift will not be accepted if the funds or property donated were acquired by other than legal means, or if clear title to the donated asset does not flow directly from the donor to the Foundation.
A memorial scholarship can be established to award a scholarship in the name of a individual or family.
Gifts of $5,000 -$14,999 will qualify the donor to a term limited named scholarship (1 year for each $1k donated)
Gifts of $15,000 or more (fully funded within 3 years) qualifies the donor to establish an endowed named scholarship. Donors can suggest criteria for the scholarship and the Walpole Scholarship Foundation will do their best to match to an awardee.
A community scholarship can be established to award a scholarship in the name of a community organization (youth sports organizations; lodges, clubs, school groups, etc.).
Initial gift of $1,000 and an annual recurring gift of $250 will qualify the donor or organization to a named scholarship awarded each year with recurring gift. Donors can suggest criteria for the scholarship and the Walpole Scholarship Foundation will do their best to match to an awardee.
The Foundation reserves the right to periodically review all named endowed scholarships and make any necessary updates (i.e. criteria for distribution) required for continued distribution. Further, the Foundation reserves the right to eliminate an endowed scholarship after a period of years should it be determined that the scholarship has insufficient funding to continue to be awarded to a deserving student.
List of current Scholarships.